Introducing: Breast Cancer Awareness Shirts
When one thinks of October, cooler weather, fall leaves and Halloween come to mind; however, October is also the month in which we wear all things pink to support those who are fighting, or those who have fought, breast cancer!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month occurs each year in order to raise awareness and fund breast cancer research. With an alarming number of women having breast cancer (1 in 8), it is only appropriate to have an entire month dedicated to raising awareness in hopes of finding a cure.
Chances are, you know, or will know, someone who will be diagnosed with this disease at some point in your lifetime. It is unsettling to think about, but, fortunately, treatment continues to progress and the survival rate continues to grow.
We, at OLE MASON JAR, want to support the ones we love who have been affected by breast cancer, so we decided to design a collection of pink, American made T-shirts and sweatshirts that will join in the efforts to raise awareness and to finding a cure.
All of the proceeds raised from our collection will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
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